Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meet M O R G A N

So it's the weekend -okay Saturday night to be precise and yes I am indeed at home (What?! you're in London and not out partying the night away?!) no there is nothing wrong with me... it's just that well you see there may be this little itty bitty tv show that I swore I would never ever watch and well it turns out I may be ever so slightly, just a weee bit addicted to it.... it's X-Factor night!

However as you can see it does not quite hold all of my attention... okay well the ad breaks don't...
Moving on...

Meet Morgan. Morgans greatest ambition in life -according to her blogger profile -is to be Cinderella at Disneyland -she actually does have the face for it too, (although I'm not completely convinced this is her true ambition... each to their own though!) Anywho do go have a looksey at her blog, very entertaining!

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